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‚lessage for the ‚dternal ‚kife
He Who Dwells in Light

Who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen. i‡T Timothy 6:16 j Paul wrote to his apprentice Timothy and called God "our Savior" at the beginning of his letterD And near the end of the same letter, he refered to Him as One "Who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power." The word 'Savior' gives us a familiar, gentle feeling , but the latter is an expression that gives a very severe impression. Which of these is real God on earth? Both are actually one and the same and He can save us really just because He alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, I think. God is one who resides in infinite brightness. But if I say that God of Christianity alone is such, other religions will surely raise objections to my words. The principal images in many religions of the world would be shown with the similar expression. For instance, in the case of Jodoshu Sect which means Paradise Sect or the Jodoshinshu Sect which means true Paradise Sect that are the most familiar sects for us Japanese, their principal image ,their savior, is called Amitabha or Amitayus in Sanskrit. The meaning of Amitabha is infinite light , Amitayus is the eternal life. Moreover, Amitabha or Amitayus will save sinners and take them into Paradise no matter how heavy their sins may be . How similar to Christianity it is! Needless to say there are many different points. However, God and Buddha of these two religions which are the world biggest religions, have the same two ideas "eternal life, and infinite light", which is very interesting. Perhaps the same thing can be said about many other religions. I think we should not say that only Christianity is true or the idea of only Europeans is correct today when the world is one. In this Space Age what is universally applicable is the only truth, I think. I think that it is important to respect other religions and other thoughts peculiar to Asians', Africans', South or North Americans', and Oceanians'. I would like to pay attention to the expression "eternal life or infinite light" about the figure people have in common as their saviorD As Mr. Nakazawa Shinichi introduces in his book "The Teaching of Death in these thirty thousand years | The World of The Tibetan book of the Dead" , an Aborigine, former occupant of Australia climbs a hill when he/she becomes old , and gazes at the sky filled with light all day long. Then the profoundest and purest essence of power that is full in the universe flows into the eye of the old Aborigine who stares at the blue sky patiently. At this time, the old person is about to touch the hidden truth of their life, "dream time" (the Aborigine calls the flow of vital power that is full in the universe "dream time"). Although the death of a body comes to him soon, this Aborigine is about to overcome death by experiencing the real existence of the flow of cosmic power. Let's try to see how the Bible expresses about light again here. As it is imagined easily, the word "light" is seen in many places in the Bible. "Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light."iGenesis1:3j God Himself is compared to light , although God Himself created it. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear?" (Psalms27:1) The light guides the person who looks up to it. "By His light I walked through darkness." (Job29:3) In the Old Testament, the words of God, life, and the correct way to live are also compared to light. In the New Testament God is compared to light: "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5) And Jesus Christ Himself is compared to light "That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world." (John 1:9) "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." (John 8:12) Here the salvation by Jesus is compared to light, too. "He would be the first to rise from the dead, and would proclaim light to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles." (Acts 26:23) The person who believes in Jesus Christ is assumed to be the child of light and always must be shining, fight with the armor of light and should be the light of the world. It is Revelation To John 21: 23-24 that I would like to pay my special attention. "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light." Here God and Jesus Christ are compared to light and those who are illuminated by the light are not only the Israelis who believe in God but also people in the rest of the world. Although some people might think this city the one of the future, I think that you can see this city will be the world after death for an individual, namely the world after the judgment for each person. In the world after death, of course all people, who believe in different religions, are going to be illuminated by the same light. In the Jodoshu and Jodoshinshu sects of Buddhism there is a faith that Amitabha will come to meet you in order to lead you to the Paradise soon after your death. Then Amitabha is said to come on the five colored clouds followed by many boddhisattvas. In the pictures showing Amitabha's coming, Amitabha has light beams around its head, as the name Amitabha means infinite light. The Tibetan system of Buddhism might be much nearer to Christianity in a sense. " In front of you (the deceased )there will appear terriblly dazzling light This is a blue dazzling light and shows wisdom radiating from the chest of Buddha called Dainichi which means the Great Sun. You will be drawn to the light. And you will pray that you may enter and melt into the light by that mercy of Buddha."(Nakazawa, opus citatum) Now I'll Introduce a very interesting thing of a Christianity system here. It is because this is not admitted as the orthodox Christian thought so far that I use the phrase "Christianity system." However, I think it should be revaluated. It is the thought of Swedenborg (Emanuel Swedenborg 1688-1772) He depicted the world after death without any hesitation and compared God to the sun. He also says that the light from Heaven guides dead people. In the images of God, Buddha, angels, or being called a savior, behind the heads of them are depicted circles of light with the similar pattern respectively, both in the east and the west. What does it mean that such beings are expressed as light or the dead are guided into Heaven by light? Probably it doesn't belong to only one religion but to almost every religion and may be common and universal to mankind. We should not miss the relation with the so-called near-death experience. The fact of Amitabha's visiting to lead you to Paradise soon after your death is especially a reflection of the near-death experience, I think. Though some people say that all of them must be fantasies, I would rather say the opposite : there is a great fact that cannot be denied and that is common and universal to mankind or to every religion. I am sure that the fact reflects upon the near-death experienceD There is a research book which analyzed 1000 examples of near-death experiences academically. (Karlis Osis,PH.DD& Erlendur Haraldsson,PH.D. "At the Hour of Death" revised edition, 1987 ) Quoting from 'Life After Life' by another researcher of near-death experience R. A. Moody, the revived patient often experiences 'existence of light'. The existence of this light is said to be named in accordance with the religion that a patient believes in. Christians may say it is Jesus Christ and Jew believers may call 'angel'. Furthermore, Moody says, the patients who do not have religious faith or who received no religious education can also encounter 'existence of light'. The same book introduces a report of the following near-death experience (70 year-old woman patient). "A patient said that she felt herself dying and approaching the entrance which began to open, and that it was shining, dazzling, and beautiful." Another report says " A patient felt that the entrance of Heaven was opening. And there was light shining and glittering much brighter than light on earth. Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross tells us in her book (On Life After Death,1991) that the dead arrive at the final point wrapped with light , after passing through a tunnel and over a bridge or along a mountain path. The light is whiter than white and very brightDThe more you approach this light, the more you will be embraced by the greatest love that you've never imagined, which is the unconditional love and beyond expression. The person who is experiencing near-death can have this light shown only for a while because he/she must return once again after that. However the connection between cocoon and butterfly will be cut off when you die actually. So it is unable to return to the body again. In any way I don't think anybody wants to return after experiencing this light of unconditional love. What do you think about the words of Dr. Kubler-Ross? She says, "The life after death is eternal and it isn't to be believed in any longer, but to be known or to be noticed. We have often heard these words of Jesus Christ, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." iJohn 8:12j Whenever we hear it, however, we have understood them as an abstract expression or a mere metaphor. But God is actual light and love. Jesus Christ is the light of life really. Resurrection isn't a metaphorical thing but it is to be experienced actually after we really die. Reading my message, some pastors of existing types will probably criticize me. However, I would like to lay down my pen introducing next words of the authors of 'At the Hour of Death': " I should admonish religious organizations. The raw experience of more than 1000 people will surely make the clergy, whose brains are filled with matters of worldly businesses and political activities, think that the holy, transcended world after death seems to exist. Everyone has the right to taste 'eternal breath'." (The End)
[Translated by Hiroshi Takasaki with the kind help of Mr.Yohichi Kakuno]
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